The Moog modular synthesizer

Moog_Modular_55Ever since I started to think about creating this site, I knew that one of the first things I will want to write about will be the Moog synthesizer.

I am sure most of the people who gets to this blog already know about the Moog and if you don’t feel free to leave your comment questions bellow.

In contrary to what some people might think, the Moog wasn’t the first synthesizer ever built, but surely an important mile stone in synthesizers and electronic music development.

Built from different modules like oscillators, filters and equalizers, and with the freedom to connect these different modules in so many different ways, the Moog opens a world of almost infinite possibilities to the sound designer.

So instead of rambling about it any more let’s hear and see some examples created with this beautiful beast.

Moog Modular sequencing

Dr Bob Moog demonstrates the Minimoog